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We cover everything about sewing, including hand sewing and machine sewing!


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  • Cross Stitch Calculator To Be Sure About Thread, Fabric, And Stitch Count

    Cross Stitch Calculator To Be Sure About Thread, Fabric, And Stitch Count

    Cross-stitching is a fun and creative way to bring designs to life, but when you’re working on a bigger project, things can quickly get overwhelming. Suddenly, you’re juggling stitch counts, fabric counts, thread sizes, and border allowances. So, many little details that can easily go wrong. That’s where a Cross…

  • What Is A Hemming Stitch?  Techniques For A Professional Look

    What Is A Hemming Stitch?  Techniques For A Professional Look

    My grandma taught me hemming stitches just as she did with many other stitches. I waited patiently and with a warm smile. After learning, I was excited to talk about it in my class. One day, a student, a total newbie to sewing, raised her hand and asked, “What is…

  • Here Is How I Do Double Blind Stitch To Double Secure Fabric

    Here Is How I Do Double Blind Stitch To Double Secure Fabric

    I struggled to secure a fabric with an invisible hem stitch by hand. Cause the fabric is quite hard, so blind hem isn’t able to hold it together. 😑 My grandma stepped up, seeing my struggle, and she said, ‘normal blind-stitch won’t the work here. You need to do a…