How To Do A Scotch Darning Stitch? Let Me Teach You An Easy Scotch Darning Technique



Let’s be honest: every piece of cloth holds a special memory for us. So, no one actually wants to throw it away. Especially if the damage is just a hole in 1 place. I used to throw it away, but until now.

After I learn all kinds of darning stitches I stop throwing my clothes. Wherever I see any holes, I do a darning stitch on it. In today’s session, I’m doing a scotch darning stitch.

Scotch Darning Stitch

What is scotch darning stitch? These questions must have popped into your mind, right?

What is scotch darning stitch

Scotch Darning

A scotch darning stitch is basically a row of blanket stitches covering the hole of the fabric. These sewing stitches are a simple way to fix holes or thin spots in fabric, like socks or sweaters. It’s like weaving a little patch directly onto the fabric using a needle and thread.

Isn’t it sound easy? Yes, it is. Let’s do the scotch darning stitch and teach you types of sewing.  So let’s put the fabric into the darning mushroom.

First, I’m making simple running stitches across the damaged area. Push the 5.0 size needle a little bit outside of the damaged area. That will anchor the darning holes. That’s where basic darning and mending differences create.

needle size of scotch darning stitch

Then, push the needle in the corner of the damaged area. That will create the perfect anchor for scotch darning.

push the needle in the corner of the damaged area
Push the needle through the front of the damaged area

Push the needle through the front of the damaged area. Make sure they’re secure but not tying a knot. I’m leaving a long thread tail further away for this sewing by hand. I’ll use that later for decorative scotch darning stitches.

Now, push the needle through the end of the thread of the running stitch. And pull it through and make looped stitches, similar to a blanket stitch, all around the running stitches I just made. These loops help reinforce the area and hold everything in place.

push the needle through the end of the thread of the running stitch

Done with the 1 line running stitch? Great! 

push the needle through the end of the thread of the running stitch

Now push the needle through 2nd line and back into the last part of the damaged part to scotch darning.

Then, do the same knotting of the stitch as before it will make a strong sewing stitch for the damaged part. If I’m working on an actual hole, I’m leaving a long, straight piece of yarn across the gap, and I’ll weave it in to recreate the missing section.

Reach the end part? Ok now,

Push the needle through the end part of the hole like it is starting.

Push the needle through the end part of the hole
repeat of making the knot

Now repeat of making the knot just like before, but this time upside down.

That’s the easy scotch darning technique. By the time you’re done, it feels like you’ve given the fabric a second chance. Also, if you are doing darning stitch embroidery, you can try it out.

Step by step scotch darning technique
Is scotch darning stretchy

But Is scotch darning stretchy? No, it’s not. This makes it perfect for garments that need a bit of give, like knitted fabrics. Plus, every stitch tells its care.

I’ve created a detailed Scotch darning stitch pdf, including steps and its stretchy nature. You can download it using the link below.

This tutorial helped you. Great, then read our double darning stitch tutorial. That will help me learn another darning stitch.

Maisha Soumee

Maisha Soumee

Hi there! I’m Maisha Soumee, the proud torchbearer of our family’s sewing legacy and the driving force behind this website. With Grandma Manha’s teachings as my foundation, I’m honored to continue the tradition of craftsmanship and creativity. As a passionate seamstress, I’m dedicated to sharing the joy of sewing with you, our valued community.

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