Japanese darning stitch is my other favourite one when it comes to embroidery. It’s so simple. Literally, you can do it within 3 steps, but it’s so eye-catching. Everyone passing through it will ask what stitch it is.

Wanna know how to do it? Let me show you,
I make rows of running stitches in a brick-like pattern, similar to the hand darning stitch technique. I try to keep the stitches longer and the spaces between them shorter to create a more striking effect. Kinda like ½ inch to 2-inch gap. I even do this for invisible darning, too.
After that, I insert the needle through point ‘A’.
Push the needle back in through point ‘B’. And pull the needle down.
Then again, push the needle back through point ‘C’. Pull it down.
Push the needle back in through a point ‘D’like this
Can you see the connection between two parallel lines of running and diagonal stitches? That’s What is the Japanese darning stitch.
I keep doing the rythme the running stitches on the upper and lower adjacent rows on the return just like this 👇
When it’s finished, the pattern comes together beautifully, showcasing the charm of the Japanese Darning Stitch. It’s a simple yet elegant technique that’s so satisfying to see completed! This is one of my favourites among the darning stitch versions.
That’s the Japanese darning stitch tutorial. Isn’t it so easy yet so satisfying? , like honeycomb darning?
If you are confused about any step, then watch this video tourital.
Basic embroidery stitches by hand for beginners ✅Lesson 2 – Darning, Japanese and Holbein stitch
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