Do You Backstitch When Topstitching? The Answer Actually Depends On You



do you backstitch when topstitching? That’s the most common question for a new stitcher. And it’s worth the confusion, actually. Cause there isn’t the right answer for it.

The answer is-

No, you don’t usually backstitch when topstitching unless the project specifically calls for it. Most sewists don’t like backstitching for topstitching because it can add unnecessary bulk and isn’t usually needed to secure the stitch. However, some sewists like to add a backstitch during topstitching to secure the start and end of the stitch line.

Sounds confusing? Well, it’s kinda. Let’s clear out Do you back stitch a top stitch or not more clearly?

Do You Backstitch When Topstitching
  • If the topstitching is purely decorative, avoid backstitching.
  • Yes, the backstitch for functional topstitching is for areas with heavy use, like pockets and bag straps.
  • If backstitching is necessary, use 2-3 small stitches.

Do You Backstitch When Topstitching?

No, you do not need a backstitch when topstitching. If the topstitching is purely decorative and visible, backstitching can look bulky or disrupt the clean, continuous line. Any kind of back stitch can cause that.


Do You Backstitch When Topstitching

Yes, If you’re topstitching something that gets a lot of use, like a pocket or a bag strap. It’s a good idea to backstitch at the start and end to ensure it stays put.

So basically, whether topstitching needs a backstitch or not depends on your project.

Well, then, Do you backstitch when topstitching clothes? 🤔

I’ve found that backstitching isn’t usually the best when topstitching clothes. But if i had to do it then-

I skip the traditional backstitching and secure the threads differently. First, I pull the thread tails to the underside of the fabric and tie a knot at the beginning and end of the topstitching line. It’s a simple trick that makes everything look clean.

If I need extra security, here’s my go-to move:

I shorten the stitch length to something super tiny at the start, backstitch just once, then lengthen the stitches to my usual setting and sew as normal. It’s subtle and doesn’t add that bulky look you sometimes get with regular backstitching.

How Long Do You Backstitch When Topstitching?

If you backstitch when topstitching, keep it minimal, just 2-3 stitches at most.

For example,

A small backstitch at the start and end (about 2-3 stitches) can help secure the line without making it too noticeable.  Keep your stitch length consistent when transitioning to regular topstitching for a clean look.

How Long Do You Backstitch When Topstitching

How To Secure Topstitching Without Backstitch?

You decide not to backstitch while topstitching? Great! Now, there’s no need to crunch your head. It’s not rocket science. You can do it easily. Here is how,

How To Secure Topstitching Without Backstitch
  1. Leave a Long Tail: When you finish your topstitching, leave a long thread tail at the beginning and end of your stitching.
  2. Use a Hand Needle: Grab a hand sewing needle and thread the long tail through the needle.
  3. Thread Through the Last Stitch Hole: Insert the needle into the hole of your last stitch and pull it through to the underside of the fabric.  You can even do double backstitch.
  4. Tie the Threads: Once you’ve pulled the tail through, tie the top and bobbin threads together in a small, tight knot to secure your stitches.
  5. Trim the Excess Thread: Finally, trim any excess thread, and your stitches will be secured without any visible backstitching on the front.

This method keeps your topstitching looking neat and professional while avoiding the bulk or mess of backstitching.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Can I Use A Lock Stitch Instead Of Backstitching?

Yes, if your sewing machine has a lock stitch function, it’s a great alternative to backstitching. It secures the ends of your stitching without adding bulk or disrupting the decorative look of your topstitching.

What’s The Best Way To Avoid Visible Backstitching On Topstitching?

To prevent backstitching from showing, use a small backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitching (only 2-3 stitches), or tie the thread off by hand. This keeps your topstitching looking clean and professional.

Can I Backstitch When Topstitching On A Heavy Fabric Like Denim?

Yes, with thicker fabrics like denim, backstitching at the start and end of your topstitching may be necessary for durability. Just be mindful of the thickness of the fabric to avoid too much bulk. For the most seamless look, tie off your threads when you can.

So What Do You Think?

do you backstitch when topstitching or not? See the decision totally depends on you. No matter what you choose, nothing is less better than others. Both work but in different situations.

Maisha Soumee

Maisha Soumee

Hi there! I’m Maisha Soumee, the proud torchbearer of our family’s sewing legacy and the driving force behind this website. With Grandma Manha’s teachings as my foundation, I’m honored to continue the tradition of craftsmanship and creativity. As a passionate seamstress, I’m dedicated to sharing the joy of sewing with you, our valued community.

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